Accreditations, Certifications & Designations For Florists
Oct 13, 2016
There are many different accreditations, certifications and designations a florist can receive and use after their name. A new guide explains all of them.
If you work in the retail floral industry you can't help but notice that many of your peers will have initials (like AIFD) after their name. These typically represent some kind of professional accreditation or certification signifying special achievement in the floral industry.
Some of them are very well known, but there can still be some confusion. For example the AIFD designation – probably the most exclusive and recognized designation in the floral profession. It is awarded by the American Institute of Floral Designers (also AIFD) but, when displayed after a name the AIFD actually stands for Accredited in Floral Design.
And how is that different from the CFD designation, which is also awarded by the American Institute of Floral Designers? Well, all AIFD designers are also CFD designers, but not all CFD designers are AIFD designers. To get the CFD a florist must complete and pass the Professional Floral Design Evaluation and, if their marks are high enough, they receive an invitation to AIFD.
Another well known designation is PFCI, which is awarded to the finest educators in the floral industry. Members are able to speak authoritatively about topics relevant to florists such as the principles and elements of floral design, effective business management techniques, and the care and handling of flowers.
These are just two of the best known designations in the floral industry, but there are many, many more at both the national and regional level. In fact there are enough it can be confusing.
Fortunately there is a new guide to all of the accreditations, certifications and designations in the floral industry. It is very helpful to anyone in the flower business who is trying to make sense of all the designations, or is looking to expand their education.
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